Time to wake up!

Time to wake up! From the retirement of Bokhary NPJ, DBC incident, to national education, we observe the infringement of our rights slowly.  We are left with no room because even you don’t get involve in politics, government policies will haunt you sooner or later




信報 21 Oct 2013

China, time bomb?

China is now facing tons of troubles

– hidden income (tops 6 tr yuan, per findings released by the National Economic Research Institute reveal mainland households are hoarding undeclared income worth 12% of 2011 GDP)
– excess of industrial capacity
– bubbles in municipal and city level debts

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Monetary Self-Sufficient is the way to keep our voices

1384 words
24 July 2013

信報 (繁體)



解決財困 開源節流

解決財困,不外乎兩個方法:開源和節流。對底特律來說,開源固然難,節流更加無可能,這也是美國所有財困城市的共同死症。Michael Lewis的近作Boomerang:Travels in the New World,有一章講美國,標題是〈胖到飛不起〉,不是說美國通街的癡肥男女,而是諷刺那些冗吏,好喝懶做,令政府債台高築,名為公僕,實為公敵。



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Sharing – Green Singapore

What does it mean to you? What can/should HK do?

新加坡綠色成就超香港環境質素亞洲最優 設施結合生活
852 words 22 February 2011
信報 (繁體) HKEJ Chinese – Traditional (c) 2011

一直以來,大家都會將新加坡與香港比較,這兩座相隔3個多小時飛行里程的城市,在金融和營商環境上的較勁難分高下。但在綠色環保方面,香港似乎瞠乎其後,空氣、水質、綠化等這些軟環境的優劣,長遠也會影響城市競爭力。 由濱海灣金融中心一期(Marina Bay Financial Center) 32樓的辦公室的大落地窗望出去,不遠處是仍在擴建中的新加坡新地標濱海灣金沙(Marina Bay Sands)。雖然天氣多雲,卻清晰可見遠處高速公路上的車來車往,而不見工地的一處飛塵。反觀近來陰天的香港,在中環的辦公樓內向外望,好像隔着一層薄紗。 淨化污水再用 管理手法蜚聲國際 近期的專業研究數據亦顯示,新加坡在環境質素上已明顯優於本港。西門子和經濟學人智庫(Economist Intelligence Unit,簡稱EIU)上周初聯合發布「亞洲綠色城市指數」,對城市的能源供應和二氧化碳排放、建築和土地使用、交通、垃圾、水資源、衞生、空氣質量及環境治理等八大環節進行評估,以探討這些亞洲城市的環境可持續性。 在參與評選的22個亞洲城市中,新加坡是唯一總體成績遠超平均水準的城市。香港與台北、大阪、首爾、東京與橫濱並駕齊驅,優於平均表現,但在水資源使用和廢物品方面皆不及新加坡。 新加坡在評比中脫穎而出,綠色成就主要是來自政府的努力與創意,尤其是水資源的開發與管理,在國際上已享負盛名。如新加坡新生水廠將回收水淨化還原,樟宜廠每日處理量最少可達90個奧運泳池,平均67%的污水可淨化成為新生水,潔淨程度可直接飲用,亦可直接用作高科技企業生產流程中所用的純淨水。 本港一向為人詬病的空氣質素,雖然在評比中優於22個城市的平均表現,但該項評選的報告指出,香港的二氧化氮日均濃度為50微克每立方米,高於評比的平均數值47微克每立方米。 港人均用水多 水網老化 最不理想的是本港的水資源利用,本港每日人均用水量達371公升,遠高於278公升評比平均值。評比報告提醒香港水網老化,指出供水系統的滲漏率達22%。 人在獅城,站在周日傍晚的濱海灣邊,隨處可見在草地上野餐的家庭,小朋友開心地將風箏放飛到很高很遠,和不遠處的濱海灣金沙成為這座城市美麗的落日風景,而這一切的腳下建築Marina Barrage,亦是新加坡的蓄水、防洪設施。類似這樣的綜合基礎設施在新加坡還有很多,新加坡的做法值得香港借鑒。 採訪、撰文:時若耘.新加坡


An article written by Dr. W. Edwards, who is a professionally trained and experienced psychologist.

Forms of intimacy

Emotional intimacy is the sharing of significant experiences and feelings. Emotional intimacy is the foundation of all other forms of intimacy. It is the ability to talk without fear. When fear is present, talking about that fear can facilitate a stronger and closer relationship. Emotional intimacy includes the ability to share one’s hopes and dreams.

Sexual intimacy is more than just the physical act of sex. Talking about the deepest and darkest sexual secrets is a form of sexual intimacy. For some of my clients, I am the first person they talk to about sexuality.

Intellectual intimacy is the closeness resulting from sharing ideas. There is a genuine respect for each individual’s opinion. Agreement on the topic isn’t required for intellectual intimacy. It is the process of sharing, reflection and discussion that highlights the aspects of intellectual intimacy.

Aesthetic intimacy relates to experiences of beauty. This can include expressions of art such as music, plays and movies but also natural beauty such as sunrises, listening to a thunderstorm, and taking a day hike.

Creative intimacy is the intimacy of shared vision. The key component is the process of co-creating with another person. Both you and the other person are growing in deeper ways as a result of the experience.

Recreational intimacy refers to the experience of play and stepping outside of the struggles of life, and simply spending time together. The types of play include sports, outdoor activities, and indoor activities. Sometimes other intimacies are incorporated into recreational activities such as going to a movie (aesthetic) and then talking about it afterward (intellectual).

Work intimacy occurs in the sharing of tasks. It can include projects, events, or the process of long-term commitment regarding work or family. These tasks vary in type, intensity and duration and could include completing a project at work, or finishing cleaning up the house. The feelings of satisfaction when completing a task with another person are examples of work intimacy.

Crisis intimacy occurs as a result of major and minor tragedies. Personal crises may be illness or accidents. Larger forms of crisis intimacy can be community experiences of a natural disaster. In these situations individuals step outside of their limits and connect. Strangers will go above and beyond typical behaviors. The long-term response of the gay community to HIV is a great example of this type of intimacy.

Commitment intimacy is the experience of hope and possibility in response to addressing an issue, cause or event bigger than one person. This can range from a short-term task (completing a social service project) to a never-ending task such as social justice, or providing HIV services. It is the process of transforming the world relative that is the source of intimacy.

Spiritual intimacy develops through sharing the most important areas of concerns including values, meaning for life, and the core of our being. It’s an experience of possibility and transcendence beyond the daily experience of who we are. It can be connected to religious traditions and practices, but ultimately it is about how we connect with God (in whatever way we understand God).

Communication intimacy is the process of full disclosure with another person. It is the process of being open, honest and truthful. This includes giving difficult and constructive feedback even when it is difficult to do so.

Conflict intimacy is the process of connecting, respectful fighting and facing differences with others. Through the conflict there is a process of closeness that transcends the conflict ultimately leading to a closer relationship. The power of make-up sex highlights how conflict intimacy is so powerful.

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Good article to share



獲知病情的那一刻他沒有抱怨任何人,他冷靜及誠然地接受命運的安排。他不曾為此流過?,不是沒有感覺,只是哭泣 也於事無補,如今能做的就只能勇敢的去接受事實,更珍惜自己以及身旁所擁有的一切。

